When will a gift voucher be issued?
If you return an order within 14 days of it being received, you'll receive a full refund for the items you returned.
If you return an order within 15 to 28 days of it being received, a gift voucher will be issued instead. This will be locked to your account ready for you to use on your next purchase.
What if I ordered with Clearpay?
If you've placed an order with Clearpay you’ll need to continue paying for your order in regular instalments and a gift voucher will be issued.
How do I use my Gift Voucher to pay for an order?
As soon as your returns have been processed, a gift voucher will be emailed to you and locked to your account ready to use on your next order. The gift voucher will have an expiry of 6 months.
When you get to checkout, simply enter this for it to be deducted from your order. If you're spending more than the value of your gift voucher, you'll need to pay the extra using a credit or debit card in the usual way.
If you're spending less than the value of your gift voucher, the credit will stay on your account for you to spend later, you'll need to spend it before the expiry date of the gift voucher.
If you return an order within 14 days of it being received, you'll receive a full refund for the items you returned.
If you return an order within 15 to 28 days of it being received, a gift voucher will be issued instead. This will be locked to your account ready for you to use on your next purchase.
What if I ordered with Clearpay?
If you've placed an order with Clearpay you’ll need to continue paying for your order in regular instalments and a gift voucher will be issued.
How do I use my Gift Voucher to pay for an order?
As soon as your returns have been processed, a gift voucher will be emailed to you and locked to your account ready to use on your next order. The gift voucher will have an expiry of 6 months.
When you get to checkout, simply enter this for it to be deducted from your order. If you're spending more than the value of your gift voucher, you'll need to pay the extra using a credit or debit card in the usual way.
If you're spending less than the value of your gift voucher, the credit will stay on your account for you to spend later, you'll need to spend it before the expiry date of the gift voucher.